What is Unclaimed Property?

What is Unclaimed Property?

Uncovering Hidden Treasure: The Importance of Unclaimed Property in Oregon

Have you ever wondered what happens to forgotten bank accounts, uncashed checks, or unclaimed inheritances? In Oregon, these assets are considered unclaimed property and are held by the state until the rightful owner comes forward. While it may not seem like a pressing issue, unclaimed property in Oregon is a significant concern for both individuals and the state government. In this article, we will explore the definitions, applications, benefits, and challenges of unclaimed property in Oregon and provide actionable advice for those interested in claiming their rightful assets.

What is Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property refers to any financial asset that has been abandoned by its owner. This can include bank accounts, stocks, bonds, uncashed checks, insurance policies, and more. In Oregon, unclaimed property is governed by the Department of State Lands (DSL), which oversees the state’s Unclaimed Property Program.

Applications of Unclaimed Property

The primary purpose of the Unclaimed Property Program is to reunite owners with their lost assets. When an individual fails to claim their property or cannot be located by the holder (such as a bank or company), it is turned over to DSL after a specified period of time. DSL then attempts to locate and notify the owner through various means such as mailings and online databases.

In addition to reuniting owners with their lost assets, unclaimed property also serves as a source of revenue for the state government. According to DSL’s 2020 Annual Report, over $70 million was returned to owners in 2019 while nearly $42 million was transferred to the state’s general fund. This revenue helps fund essential programs and services for Oregonians.

Benefits of Claiming Your Unclaimed Property

Claiming your unclaimed property has several benefits. First and foremost, it puts money back into your pocket that you may have forgotten about or didn’t know existed. Whether it’s a small uncashed check or a large inheritance, every dollar counts. Additionally, claiming your unclaimed property helps prevent it from being transferred to the state’s general fund, ensuring that it remains in your possession.

Challenges of Claiming Unclaimed Property

While the process of claiming unclaimed property is relatively straightforward, there are some challenges to be aware of. One common challenge is proving ownership of the property. This can be particularly difficult for heirs of deceased owners who may not have access to necessary documents. Another challenge is navigating the various databases and websites to locate and claim your property. However, with persistence and proper documentation, these challenges can be overcome.

Tips for Claiming Unclaimed Property in Oregon

If you suspect you may have unclaimed property in Oregon, here are some tips to help you claim what is rightfully yours:

1. Search online databases: DSL’s website has a searchable database where you can check for any unclaimed property under your name.

2. Keep track of old bank accounts: If you have moved or changed banks, make sure to keep track of any old accounts that may still hold funds.

3. Don’t ignore mail from DSL: If you receive a letter from DSL stating that they are holding unclaimed property in your name, don’t ignore it! Take action immediately to claim your assets.

4. Keep records: It’s important to keep records of any transactions or accounts that may hold unclaimed property so that you can easily prove ownership when needed.

5. Be patient: The process of claiming unclaimed property may take some time and require patience, especially if there are challenges with proving ownership.


Unclaimed property in Oregon is not just an issue for the state government; it also affects individuals who may be unaware of their lost assets. By understanding the definitions, applications, benefits, and challenges of unclaimed property in Oregon, individuals can take action to claim what is rightfully theirs. So, don’t let your unclaimed property go unnoticed – it could be the hidden treasure you never knew you had.

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